Thursday, March 11, 2010

Good bye Old Man Winter!

So it has to be addressed that after 300 years in an arctic freeze....okay, okay....maybe it was 4 or so months the snow is finally gone! I love living in the Midwest because our weather has a sick sense of humor while still maintaining a sweet side. I say this because it seems like just when I don't think I could hate the weather more, when all I'm doing in my free time is looking at cruises on Expedia, and feel like the walls are closing in, suddenly March in all it's glory shows up with a few soggy days and washes away the pain.
Today I had to make a road trip to the organic market and observed that the old adage really is true, absence makes the heart grow fonder. Even though the roadsides are dirty, trash laden, and soppy messes they look utterly fantastic to me! There's life under all that snow, and I can see and swear almost feel the little blades of grass shaking off their icy crust and breathing in the life that is spring. By far the best part of my windshield time today is that I was lucky enough to catch the geese migrating. Not a single organized v-shape , massive amounts of these birds on their quest for open water either here or in lands further north. The sky was black with them. The enormity of this migration was astonishing to me and I was honestly very distracted with how amazing it was. I called my husband because I was just so impressed with it and to ask him to tell a friend and water fowl hunter of ours to cheer up because the geese were returning. Later my husband reported that apparently there is usually a 1 to 2 day period that can usually be pinpointed in which this massive flocking takes place. It was just unbelievable to me that we live in a country where it seems we cannot agree on anything for any amount of time and yet these creatures manage to organize a migration with numbers in the millions all based on instinct. Maybe that's the key, the world has taken away our instinct. We're told how to do things, how we should feel, when is the best time, and suddenly we stop listening to that little voice in our head that says, "it's time to fly".

Take a little time to really appreciate how beautiful nature is, in all it's forms. Look past the mud and the silt because what lies beneath holds immeasurable beauty just waiting for when mother nature calls it's name.

Have a great weekend friends.